This is a tale of Mega Man using the D&D 3.5 rules, with a variant of the Omega World supplement from the Sept 2002 Polyhedron mag and the Gamma World setting.
The heroes of the story are:
Gareth playing Sieghart Gearhand - Master of Technology and Blades
Robin playing Sirene - Dark-skinned Brute of the Waste
Andrew playing Chek Sothoth - Warrior in the Smith Tradition
Mister playing Omega - Graceful Ninja Warrior
Fraser playing Spider Squid - Mutant Grappler
Bill playing Agamakar - Hunter of the Wilds
Each of heroes is a seasoned veteran of the blasted wastes - a hero to
some, a villain to others, the Grakarth of Unknown Stone to a very
select few. Beneath their belts they have experience enough to have
collected items of power, rumours and more.
Among these rumours is a story of a place of wonder and technology, a place containing wealth and power beyond imagination.
Power. Curiosity. Hope.
each of the heroes is on the road to this place is known only to them. But,
along the road they have met one another and struck up an uneasy truce.
Each of them has skills that may be of value and there is a common
agreement to work together, for now at least, to uncover the source of
the legend that none of them truly understand.
Three weeks now they have marched across desolate terrain, battled strange monsters and
endured harsh elements. Each step marches them closer to a common goal
and, with each day, a roiling black cloud that seems ever more likely to
be their destination draws closer.
Now, as they reach the edge of the dark clouds, something even darker can be seen.
Today we find out what lies ahead for the unlikely heroes of our story.
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